This is not a blog for people who want to read the fabulous and exciting stories about the moments that light up the sky. There will be those moments here, but this is about a real life. It is woven from those ordinary moments that come together to create the brilliant flashes for which others express admiration or wonderment. My CV is rather impressive by most standards, as it should be since I am only a dissertation and internship away from my PhD. The fact that most of it was accomplished while being a single mother of 3 children lends it a different weight. One of my kids is a gifted singer, another is a mathematical wiz kid, and the third an aspiring chef, so there are plenty of mom’s taxi moments, as well opportunity seeking for the kids. After people get to know me a little, they eventually discover that my oldest and youngest have special needs, and then the questions start.
It is funny how people often ask “how do you do it” with bewilderment or comment that they could never do the things I do. I don’t believe it for a minute, partly because to me what I do is second nature. This frequent line of questioning has led me to wonder how it is that I actually accomplish living my life with such a degree of success, Yeah, I suppose when you just put it on paper, my CV is impressive. Seriously, I am only human, and a relatively simple creature at that. I love my crazy family life, I struggle with the positive and negative sides of flying solo, I cycle through mobility and feeling overwhelmed, and I remain a driven woman in both my personal and professional life. This has been a journey of both heart and spirit, and you are invited to walk with me for a while. It won’t all be pretty, but it will be real.