Sometimes a series of coincidences with the right timing provide just the nudge I need to try something new. Somehow the pieces fall into place; currently this feels a bit surreal. I got all fired up about the reauthorization of VAWA (S.1925) for very good reasons. Lo and behold, when I began to talk about it with folks, they actually agreed that this was a problem! So I started musing about how best to make a difference, and several ideas began to coalesce in conversation with various friends and colleagues. Three major projects grew from those ideas, all connected, all trying to accomplish the same general goal; mobilize public pressure to ensure the reauthorization of VAWA.
It started as simple blog post idea, but quickly evolved to be a letter to Senators and Representatives. I asked a couple friends to read and provide feedback on the letter, having never done anything like this before. I also asked a couple agencies if they would provide support statements with a letter of their own. Some responded favorably, others failed to respond. In talking with a colleague, we developed the idea of filming a public service announcement to circulate online. She is an experienced videographer, so she told me what she needed to make this happen and I got to work organizing the people and details, writing a script, and seeking help and feedback as needed. I connected with our campus Women's Resource Center. They were immediately on-board and have been vital in this becoming a successful endeavor. We will be filming this Thursday during International Women's Day! I also opted to start an online petition. I talked with a couple folks who are more connected within an activist community, and I learned several great options to proceed. I also received some wise advice, which I appreciate immensely. I got a few friends as readers again and got that up online yesterday. Much of the petition and the PSA script came from the original letter, which made this series of projects less overwhelming. What did my one friend say when he read the letter? Oh yeah, he saw three parts to it. I guess I figured out what to do with each one...
The timing and salience of events in the political world and in my life gifted me with space, energy, and passion for this particular cause at a time when it feels possible to facilitate positive outcomes. I hope I am approaching it in ways that are impactful beyond my small circle. Somehow this petition, PSA, and letter grew out of my connections with the most amazing folks, and I am thankful I was able to reach out to them as readers, writers, creative artists, activists, friends, and colleagues whom I trust. I love that it mostly developed during casual coffee shop chats, breakfast meetings, long phone calls at odd hours, and one crazy girls night at my house. I do highly recommend neighbors, kids, margaritas, guacamole, hair dye, and activism all in the same evening!